Artist Name: Marietta Tucker
Title of Artwork: Chief Soaring Eagle
Medium: Watercolor
Artist Bio:
Marietta Tucker is a lifelong resident of Arkansas. Being self taught, Marietta’s path to becoming an artist began as an empty nest “project” in 2012. She paints primarily in watercolor and acrylic. Marietta lives in Hot Springs and enjoys painting many of the sites around town, especially historic and iconic buildings. Marietta has won several awards in local art shows. She is a Signature member of Mid-Southern Watercolorists and currently shows her work at Whittington Gallery in Hot Springs.
Artist Statement:
The inspiration for this work came the moment I saw this elderly Native American in full Ceremonial Regalia. The stoic expression on his weathered face was in direct contrast to the soft white feathers on his headdress. I chose to paint his portrait in watercolor in order to achieve the softness of the feathers and applied several layers of watercolor to produce the deep, more vibrant colors.
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