Artist Name: Lesley Roegner
Title of Artwork: The Wave
Medium: Digital Painting using Procreate
Artist Bio:
My name is Lesley Roegner, I am based in Hot Springs, Arkansas for the last 25 years. I paint in various mediums, watercolor, water soluble oils, gouache and more recently Digital painting. I love painting, but it takes second place to an already full life. I am inspired by all the beauty that can be found on our planet and in the sky’s above. My paintings are meant to uplift and bring solace.
Artist Statement:
The piece titled The Wave, is inspired by a longing to revisit the west. To gaze at the colors of the stone formations and be filled with appreciation for the one who created and designed all things. When our eyes behold the earth’s beauty something inside us becomes calm and content.
Artist Contact Info: