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Don Watson

Visual: Painting

Web Site:

About me:

Don Watson is a native of Glenwood, Arkansas. He started painting in Virginia Beach in 2001. After retiring from the US Navy in 2006 he became a full time artist in residence at The Artist Gallery (artist ran Co-op) in Virginia Beach, VA. In 2006 through 2007 he was the president of the Chesapeake Bay Artist Association.

Don is very prolific, and following several one-man shows he soon outgrew his small studio. In 2007 he opened his own studio (Don Watson Studio Gallery) where he featured his own work, ran a figure drawing group, and started collecting and selling other artists work.

In March of 2010 he moved back home to Arkansas and has a studio in Glenwood. He is currently the President of the Three Rivers Art Guild.

Locally he is showing work at the Whittington Gallery and Bainum Libary and has shown his work at Pike County Fair, Kollevtive Coffee, Emergent Arts, Star Gallery and The Fine Art Center of Hot Springs. He has done several shows at the Hot Springs Airport, Garland County Library and has donated many works of art for charity in Arkansas as well as Virginia.

His studio is located at 439 Gilmer Avenue in Glenwood, Arkansas and is open to the public upon request. Contact number is 8706810563.

On Display At:

Whittington Gallery in Hot Springs and Bainum Libary in Glenwood.

Don Watson Studio Gallery

439 Gilmer Ave
Glenwood, Arkansas 71943


I am an art collector and have a fairly large and impressive art collection in my gallery.


From Hot Springs drive to Glenwood. Once in Glenwood veer right on 70 Bussiness (Broadway) for about a mile and take a right turn on Clay Street and the first left on Gilmer. My studio will be the second house/studio on the left.