Under Pressure Guidelines & Sign-Up

Please join us for Arts & The Park’s 3rd annual Steamroller Print Event, held during Art Springs on April 27, 2025, from 12pm until done. The steamroller print event is organized by Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance in collaboration with Emergent Arts and Aitoh Specialty Paper. All prints will be displayed at the printing event and later exhibited at Emergent Arts. Participants will supply their own wood block that will be inked and printed under the drum of a 2-ton steamroller.


When: Sunday, April 27, 2025
Registration: Use form at the bottom of this page
Where: Spring Street, next to Hill Wheatley Plaza, 605 Central Ave

Inclement weather location: Will be in the parking garage @ 324 Malvern Ave., enter off of Broadway St.

Inclement weather location

Cost: There is no cost to participate however we do require all registrants to help out the day of for the entirety of the event, and each participant must agree to display their work at Emergent Arts.
Print Theme: Under Pressure (Please keep your blocks family-friendly.)
Printing Time: Beginning at 12pm, Blocks will be printed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • Block/Image Size: 30”x48” or 30”x24”
  • Block Thickness: Must be 3⁄4 inches
  • Block Condition: Blocks must be sealed with shellac or polyurethane and dry at least 24 hrs before event. Particles from unsealed blocks and wet shellac or polyurethane ruin the ink and brayer. Unsealed and wet blocks will not be printed.
  • Each block will be printed once; twice, time permitting
  • The Artist may not clean the ink off their block at the event: Contractor bags will be provided for easy transport of inked blocks. Please remove your block by the end of the event.
  • Ink and paper will be provided as well as limited cleaning supplies. Please bring any additional supplies for your personal needs.
  • Help is welcome and much appreciated!
  • Artists may not sell their print during the event.
  • Questions about the event? email liz@hotspringsarts.org

If you are interested in taking the Emergent Arts: Under Pressure Steamroller Print preparation workshop – Click Here to sign-up!

If you are having problems filling out this form, please contact: support@hotspringsarts.org

Under Pressure
This info is optional

The maximum number of participants for this event is 30
Space remaining: 25
Cost: Free

Only 1 woodcut per person
Do you need assistance obtaining a board?

You need to agree to all conditions before you will be able to submit your entry.

To have my artwork, that was printed at the Under Pressure event, displayed at Emergent Arts for the May 3 Gallery Walk.
That in exchange for free printing of my art at the Under Pressure event, I will volunteer to help with set-up, event stations, and cleanup as directed by Under Pressure staff/leadership.
That the printing area and stations are limited to printing artists participating in the Under Pressure event only. Friends, family, children, and visitors MUST watch from the designated spectator area. No children will be allowed in the printing area and all children must have adult supervision in the designated spectator area.