Hot Springs Newest Murals
What began as one mural has Hot Springs celebrating the addition of FIVE new murals that have been created over the past few weeks. International artists have partnered with local artists as well as some very talented high school art students to create these new murals, beautiful new additions to downtown Hot Springs.

The wave of murals began with the mural project at 110 Central Avenue. Building owners Dee and Bobby Graham wanted a mural to transform what Bobby called “the ugliest wall in Hot Springs” into the most beautiful wall. International artist Danaé Brissonnet’s design concept was selected from over 20 submitted proposals with her sketch inspired by the nature, beauty and the hospitality of the local people. Through partnership and support from the Downtown Hot Springs Association and the Hot Springs Area Cultural Alliance, the concept became a reality culminating with the mural completion celebration on May 25.

While Danaé was in Hot Springs she also painted an incredible mural on the patio of SQZBX Pizza, located at 236 Ouachita Avenue. In addition, during Arts & The Park, she also partnered with The City of Hot Springs and Emergent Arts to conduct a mural workshop with area high school art students to create a vibrant new mural at Watkins Park on Park Avenue.
Through social media, fellow mural artist Jason Botkin noticed that Danaé Brissonnet was working in Hot Springs while he was completing a project in Dallas. Having never met, but rather only following each other on social media, Jason decided to meet Danaé in Hot Springs to introduce himself. While here, he transformed his own car into a rolling mural and catching the eye of Central Theatre owner, Chris Rix. Rix commissioned Jason to transform the front of the iconic theatre with an intricate mural inspired by Echinacea, a plant native to Arkansas and known for its healing properties. In addition, Jason also partnered with 16 local artists to create another huge mural stretching the entire length of the building located adjacent to the Central Theatre.

Jason Botkin artist

Shaun McNary artist